American Idol through the eyes of a four-year-old

American Idol through the eyes of a four-year-old

Me: Boy, he’s really talented. Felicity: Yeah, and he’s good, too!
Astronomy through the eyes of a four-year-old

Astronomy through the eyes of a four-year-old

My four-year-old daughter sat and colored during our astronomy lesson today (Jeannie Fulbright’s Exploring Creation with Astronomy), and I discovered that she has a quite unique perspective on the subject! Me: Have you ever been inside a greenhouse? (discussing...

The ghost is clear.

My four-year-old daughter hooked into her carseat this afternoon and yelled, “The ghost is clear!” “What?” I asked, wondering if I’d heard correctly. “The ghost is clear! That means there are no ghost-es and it’s clear.”...
My little cover boy

My little cover boy

We recently attended the Christmas concert for our children’s music program, and were pleased and surprised to discover our son on the cover of this year’s concert program. I hate to admit that I had never gone online and viewed the proofs from yearbook...
Girls’ Day Out

Girls’ Day Out

My two oldest daughters celebrate birthdays this week. We have combined them, for the most part, since the week of their second and fifth birthdays, when the two-year-old had a nervous breakdown because her sister was opening her presents and she was told her birthday...

The Drama Queen strikes again

Our guinea pig died last night. Our precious retired neighbors took our five youngest to eat breakfast with Santa this morning, so no one noticed in the rush to get them out the door at 8 a.m. (my husband realized it after they were gone). With a day full of...

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