Giving Grace in the Days of COVID today at (in)courage

Giving Grace in the Days of COVID today at (in)courage

I can easily recall my emotions from the early days of the pandemic: fear of catching the virus, nervousness that every person or surface I encountered was covered in it, paranoia each day when my husband went to work that he would be exposed and bring it home, and...
The Gift of Daily Graces @ (in)courage

The Gift of Daily Graces @ (in)courage

OOPS! I’ve been working so hard on my next book’s deadline that I didn’t share my (in)courage post with you! Here’s a snippet: “It seems like everything is going wrong,” he said, discouragement evident in his tone and written on his face. Still...
When All You Can Do is Pray at (in)courage

When All You Can Do is Pray at (in)courage

Have you ever watched someone you love travel a path towards destruction? Some decisions are life-altering, multigenerational, take-no-prisoners kind of mistakes that affect everything and everyone they touch. It’s like watching an avalanche in slow motion, and you...
The Heart of Marriage Book Study Guide Now Available!

The Heart of Marriage Book Study Guide Now Available!

I believe in the power of story to change lives. The 52 stories from 40 contributors in my new book The Heart of Marriage describe marriages in many stages and conditions. These stories will inspire, challenge, entertain, and encourage. They are real stories from real...
Feels Like Winter: January’s Desktop Calendar!

Feels Like Winter: January’s Desktop Calendar!

Winter is here and cold temperatures have finally arrived! I took this photo during last February’s ice storm. Trees and bushes glowed in their icy coats, but ultimately many branches (and sometimes entire trees) were lost because they couldn’t support the...
A More Mary, Less Martha Thanksgiving at (in)courage

A More Mary, Less Martha Thanksgiving at (in)courage

I tried to cancel Thanksgiving dinner this year. The memory of last year’s failed turkey spatchcocking experiment remains vivid in my mind. Although I’ve flipped the calendar page twelve times, it’s hardly enough to forget that big bird, which remained uncooked when...

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