Crowded House "Don't Stop Now"

Ever thought about what writer’s block looks like? I love this visual description from the song “Don’t Stop Now” by Crowded House from their 2007 album (yes, Crowded House was still making albums in ’07) Time on Earth (<—Amazon link).

Restless and hopeful
In the silence I wait
With a blank piece of paper on the top of my head
All I want is something I can write about
All I want is something I can cry about

Woo hoo – 7 days! My goal is to hit every day this month, but we’ve got a crazy busy schedule so it might not be possible. Having fun?


31 Days of Killer QuotesNester hosts a link up of 31 Days posts each October. Hundreds of bloggers write on a topic of their choice for an entire month. Find them here.

All 31 Days of Killer Quotes posts can be found in this post.

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