Have you been clicking away with your camera phone this week? I’ve been taking almost as many videos as pictures lately.

Camera Phone Collage #18

Homemade pizza almost ready for the oven | 1st time mowing and loving it | Daylillies in bloom
Day at the lake | Eek! A dead fish! | Awwww, sidewalk chalk in my drive (+ my shadow)

If you’re an (in)courage reader, check out this post for details on how to add your photos to our group camera phone photography project!

Click here for details on making collages or getting links for individual images.

Camera Phone Friday

<a href=”https://dawncamp.com” target=”_blank”><img src=”http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h46/campclan/CPF.png” alt=”MyHomeSweetHomeOnline.Net” width=”125″ height=”152″ /></a>

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