Here we are, one month closer to the end of the year and less than eight weeks from Christmas. Can you believe it? We’re experiencing some of my favorite weather here in Atlanta: cool enough for long sleeves but not cold enough for a coat. Fall is my favorite!
I’m working on a recap post with a glimpse into our lives recently and also a list of great hot teas to warm you up on chilly days. I hope you’ve enjoyed the entertainment-themed posts too.
For those of you not in Atlanta, I hope you don’t mind the mix of local events I include along with movie and TV reviews. Sharing about Broadway in Atlanta performances gives our family the opportunity to receive press seats, which we loooove. I’ll have the happiest 16-year-old son in town on the slim chance we can see Hamilton next spring, and I’ll do my best to make that happen!
My 12-year-old daughter is a big Sadie Robertson fan and we’re going on a mother-daughter date to see the Live Original tour Thursday night. So much fun! It’s important to keep dating your husband, but don’t forget to sprinkle in some parent-child dates too.
Our kids have talked us into putting up the Christmas tree after Halloween this year. Although it’s November 1, it’s been a super busy day—I took my Classical Conversations class on our yearly field trip to the High Museum—so I don’t see it happening until this weekend at the earliest (and we see Sadie tomorrow!).
Do any of you participate in National Novel Writing Month in November? I would love to hear from someone who’s done it!
Give yourself some grace this Thanksgiving and Christmas season. Slow down and enjoy simple pleasures and time with friends and family. {Alexandra Kuykendall’s Loving My Actual Christmas: An Experiment in Relishing the Season looks like a perfect read <– that’s an affiliate link}
Download November’s Desktop Calendar
Goodness knows I have a talent for botching up calendar dates, but I think this one is all good. Thank you for patience and readers who email me when I mess up the month or the dates!
How do I download Nov.’s calendar?
How do I download Nov.’s calendar?
How do you download the November calendar. I click on the top and waited but did not see any results to go print.
Carla and Cindy, click the link for the size you need, download it to your computer, and then set it as your desktop background image. I hope this helps!