When I turned in The Beauty of Grace to my publisher, Revell, on March 1 of last year, it seemed like the official release—today—would never come. But here it is, and DaySpring is celebrating with me by offering this beautiful Floral Vine Christian Journal to 30 of you!
The Beauty of Grace celebrates the power of story: it contains over 50 of them. Stories about serving Jesus by serving others; the dangers of comparison; letting go of worry; finding peace in your mess. Grace in the everyday.
Thank you to all who’ve already ordered The Beauty of Grace, which has been available online in some places for 2-3 weeks. Now you can look for it in your local bookstore.
DaySpring journals are my favorite. Pen your story in this lovely journal.
To enter, leave a comment on this post telling us about a moment of grace in your day today.
{Winners will receive a coupon code for the free journal, but are responsible for shipping fees. If you order additional items, DaySpring orders of $50 or more ship free. DaySpring has also donated giveaway items to my book launch party this Thursday night. You’re invited! In addition to the giveaways I posted yesterday, Rachel Anne Ridge is hosting a Beauty of Grace giveaway on her blog!}
Hi, Dawn! Your book sounds amazing, and I can’t wait to get a copy of it! I feel like Grace is always at our fingertips, our doorstep, it’s how we seek it out that differs for each of us. This morning I opened my devotional to find a story about how we moms are striving to be ‘SuperMom’, and most women have done that, starting with Eve…but if we stop and rely on the work of our Lord, we will come to realize that our work, no matter how minor, is never wasted! 1 Corintihans 15:57-58 NCV…what a beautiful thought to start out a day…Thank you for the chance at this lovely journal, AND for your book which will allow us all to see a little more grace when we take the time to visit it! 🙂
A moment of grace today came in the rush to get me and my teenage daughter out the door and onto a road filled with traffic and it was to let go of the mess we left behind from breakfast and instead savor the chirping birds and gorgeous sunny morning! God isn’t expecting perfection out of me, so I will stop expecting it of myself and focus on the beauty He has on the path in front of me.
Hi Dawn! I’m so excited for you and your first book!! My grace glimpse came today in the form of a sweet scripture reference sent to me by someone very dear to my heart. It was just what I needed when feeling less than adequate. Unexpected, but so good.
Congratulations on your book! That’s an amazing accomplishment! I experience a moment of grace each week at CC when I realize that none of us are perfect homeschool moms but we can encourage one another along in this journey.
Hey Dawn, I’m so happy to see your dream fulfilled. What an encouragement to know that dreams are possible. I look forward to celebrating you on Thursday night. My moment of grace was a beautiful phone call from one of our mutual friends who helped me to laugh in the face of frustration. I’m incredibly thankful for the beautiful women of God that I get to do life with, including you! Thank you for challenging me by walking in the call God has on your life.
A moment of grace in my day: I finally finished a blog post on what it means to choose Sabbath. It’s a relief to have an important-to-me post finished and out there!
The women I have found on Instagram have been such a blessing to me. I see God’s Grace everyday as I read the uplifting words from amazing women. Women serving in Africa, women adopting international children, women serving in the church, leading Bible studies, etc. Women running small businesses that in turn, aree a ministry for the Lord, women writing books, like you! I am blessed everyday in my new found Instafriends!
This morning I had the opportunity to vox with a dear friend who reminded me once again that we need to give grace, even when we don’t feel like it. I am grateful daily for God’s grace in my life and I need to remember to freely give grace to others!
A moment of Grace came in the form of a phone call to a lady I have never met. Our conversation was a blessing. Jesus knits us all together in His own way…thankful for those who come into my life, even in the most unlikely ways.
Grace…so much sweet grace has been granted to me today! A gentle hug from my husband, and his prayer over me; a kind nurse at the dr’s office, a great medical report, notes from thoughtful family and friends. I’m so humbled by His grace, and grateful for His mercy!
I cannot wait to read your book. my saving grace today was calling a dear friend who lives 1/2 way across the country. she is going thru colon cancer. you reminded me of how such a little thing as calling and leaving a message to tell her she is in my prayers and how much I love her. thank you for your message, even though she didn’t come to the phone, she is very weak, I know when she hears my message a glimmer of hope will go thru her. thank you !!
My moment of grace today – going to the gym without my accountability partner [my dh], but getting it done.
A moment of grace I recently experienced was when God made me realize that although my brother passed away – I am still very alive and very blessed and I am wasting time grieving daily instead of celebrating the 40 wonderful years that God gave us with Alan.
My moment of grace today was when I had an MSG allergic reaction, which usually causes me to be very sick, but by God’s grace, I am not anywhere near as sick as I usually am, which puts in in bed, so I am able to still spend time with my family tonight after all.
My moment of grace came in my morning devotions today as I was reading in the book of Mark about Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. Jesus, the Servant, was receiving accolades along the path from just plain people as He sat on this lowly animal. I was overcome and wept a good while, realizing that the world knows nothing about this Mighty Savior, but that He chose to reveal Himself to somebody like me!
My moment of grace came this evening during Bible study with an amazing group of ladies. This was just our fourth session, but we had a lively discussion, openly sharing our hearts and stories. Left there feeling so energized.
My moment of grace today came in a 1 hour walk while waiting on my sons to finish basketball practice. It’ s amazing the places you can experience the presence and peace of God, even a smelly indoor track.
I’m so excited to get my copy! So thrilled for you, Dawn. This morning, grace for me was driving my 16 year old to school. He usually rides with his brother but he had to leave early for a meeting. So I got to pray with my youngest before turning him over to his school, just like we used to.
An encouraging call from my mom!
My moment of grace today was when I left my family early afternoon to head to a second job – one I’m thankful for, but still struggle with leaving my “kids” at home. They are old enough of course, but I still cherish the time with them. They assured me it was ok, and took care of themselves and the house, relieving the guilt I was feeling! Congratulations Dawn on your beautiful book! Thank you for being my friend! So proud of you!
Today I was feeling particularly stressed, overwhelmed, and tired. It was a gloomy cloudy day, and I did not want to go to work. But I was shown lots of love and grace today when my coworkers threw me a surprise baby shower. I was so surprised! It was so sweet! The best part of the shower was when all the women gathered around me and prayed for me and my baby girl. It is so amazing to be working at a public school, and be surrounded by strong and loving Christian women. That is my grace moment for the day.
So lovely, Dawn! My moment of grace came this morning while I taught class and experienced the Lord’s presence as I prayed with my students. So rich!
My moment of grace was definitely a moment of GRACE! My 21 year old daughter texted me to let me know her test results from her Rheumatology appointment came back. Our church has been praying for her healing. She had previously tested positive for Sjogren’s syndrome and was suspected of possibly having Lupus. After weeks of prayer, her test results came back negative for both Sjogren’s and Lupus. Our God is Healer!!
Enjoyed the launch party last night!! It was great to hear the writers read their story, especially yours Dawn, could relate and was touched and blessed!
Hi Dawn! So looking forward to reading your book- looks just the kind of encouragement we need right now. Gods mercy is new every morning! So thankful for His grace to us xx
Grace came to me this morning when I read Holly’s message of surrendering it all to God………and then it lead me to your site, can’t wait to read your book. ;0) thanks
God has given grace this week as I wait to meet with a friend next Saturday to discuss our friendship. I was really discouraged about the whole situation. In the meantime, God has given me a fabulously empowering weekend with some exciting news from the business I run on the side.
Girl, I meant to leave a comment the other day and after I went to Dayspring to get a good look at the journal, I forgot!
My most recent moment of grace…God granting me the grace to watch Daniel play college hockey and not have to go kill a kid because he hurt my son! Praise the Lord for no injuries or fights this season!