
[Contest is closed: the winner is Terry C.]

The end of Daylight Savings Time combined with the ever-shortening days of fall throw my internal clock for a loop. I circle the house in the morning opening blinds to let in the sun’s rays, but close them again come early evening.

At this time of year my husband only sees daylight at home on weekends.

These mini days mess with my mood and my mind and often my patience shrinks like the daytime.

I miss the light: it makes me happy. It gives me life.

But God’s grace shines brightly in a dark world. As His blood-bought sons and daughters, it is our purpose to reflect that light, regardless of the season.

” . . . ye shine as lights in the world.” ~Philippians 2:15




“In him was life; and the life was the light of men.” ~John 1:4

Everlasting Light Collection

DaySpring’s fresh new Everlasting Light product line features products that emphasize God’s creation: stars, constellations, light. Although I’m excited about the full collection, it’s the jewelry that first caught my eye. I love the mixed metals and the sparkle! I wear the stacked rings almost every day and I love to layer the Shine and the North Star Pendant Necklaces (affiliate product links below).

“. . .for the Lord shall be thine everlasting light . . .” ~Isaiah 60:20

Comment to Win!

Leave a comment on this post for your chance to win a $50 coupon code for the Everlasting Light product(s) of your choice. What’s your favorite item in the collection?

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