
Churches, home-improvement and grocery stores, and perfect strangers housed stranded motorists last week as unexpected snow rocked the South. Hotels opened their lobbies when no vacancies remained.

Truckers welcomed drivers into their cabs for warmth when cars, stalled for hours in traffic, ran out of gas. Teachers spent the night with students in schools when buses and parents couldn’t get them home.

The insensitive or uninformed may mock us for the chaos that ensued for what seems like a modest amount of snow (and question why we and our local governments don’t invest in equipment and supplies we rarely need for events like this), but then you’d miss the beauty that even snow and ice can’t bury:

While Southerners may not have shown off their foul-weather driving skills, they certainly showed off their big hearts.

Please click over and read the rest of What You Can Do When Life’s Storms Hit today at (in)courage!

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