Deuteronomy 11

Our home internet connection is a fickle and undependable thing. You can only imagine the state of our wifi network. My iPhone needs to update apps at least once a day (yet another sign that I should delete a few, if you ask my husband), which is usually an exercise in frustration.

Crazy as it sounds, God used something as simple as app updates to remind me of a valuable rule of parenting: persistence.

Typically when my apps start to update a message pops up and says Unable to Download Application: Done or Retry? I always hit Done.

If it didn’t work the first time, why would it work the second?

After two weeks trying to update the same app, I finally hit the Retry button. That didn’t work so I hit it again. And again. And again. Until it finished.

You know what? Each time I hit retry, the download didn’t really start over. The status bar jumped to the point it had reached the last time and started from there. Every time it went a little further until finally the download was complete.

This taught me one thing and reminded me of another: I can be more stubborn than my internet connection, and sometimes even if you don’t immediately achieve your desired end result, something is still being accomplished.

Please click over and read the rest of the story today at (in)courage!

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