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On Saturday, 6,000 women met in homes, churches, and coffee shops around the world for (in)courage’s 2nd annual (in)RL (in real life) meetup. An intimate group of five shared food, fellowship, and a photo booth at my home for a few sweet hours: a neighbor; one of my closest friends; and two women who took a chance and knocked at my door without knowing anyone inside.

Now we’re all friends.


An (in)RL hostess needs to prepare for a range in the number of guests. Some ladies register months in advance and we all know how schedules change.



Last year I wanted to have a photo booth, but didn’t manage to pull it off. I use my backdrop and lighting set up only once or twice a year, but this month I’ve taken senior cap and gown pictures for our homeschool group and photo booth pictures at an event for my kids, so the props are close at hand and familiar again.

These ladies are good sports. I’m almost positive they didn’t expect felt mustaches and beards and glasses and bow ties when they registered.



Katie won the prize—DaySpring’s This Is the Day – Bird Cage Card Holder—for the longest drive.


And then dropped our jaws with a story about an in real life encounter with a birdie in a cage—yeow!



Alicia won the Lisa Leonard ((together)) Necklace for being the first to arrive and not knowing anyone here. One of my sons wanted to know how a guest that I didn’t know could come to my party and I explained the beauty of (in)RL: women coming together to build community.



We played “what’s in your purse?” in teams. Melissa’s purse contains one of everything and Donna didn’t carry one at all, she just walked across the street to my house.


I sent everyone home with a mug to remember this day we shared together, both old and new friends. I hope to stay connected to these women in the year ahead, better than I did with the ladies at my gathering last year.

It’s not always easy to coordinate schedules and plan events with a large guest list; I saw that this weekend. I hope my group wasn’t disappointed with the small crowd, but my friend said, “I think this was even better than last year,” as she left.

Yes, sometimes less is more.

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