You know you have awesome friends when you can talk them into flashmobbing at Moe’s, not only in the middle of the free kids’ night crowd but also on the one day of the year when they’re offering free queso. The lines were long and the emotions high as our group waited to perform.

An assortment of moms, kids, and one husband (mine!) danced our queso off for a chance at the $10,000 prize. Win or lose, it’s an experience and a bond we’ll never forget!

The winner is calculated as follows: 40% based on Originality, 20% based on Quality, 20% based on Dance Moves, 20% based on Dance Off Ranking (your votes) on the site. Here’s the easiest way to find us:

Go to, where you will see pairs of videos for a “dance off.” Since the contest is no longer open to new entries, clicking the black bar that says “ENTER THE CONTEST FOR A CHANCE TO”—

enter moe's contest

—is the fastest way to refresh new videos. Once you see our video, which will look like this—

cumming moe's video

—click the “Start Dance Off” button and then the “I Love It” button to vote. That’s it!

love it



You might have to cycle through several entries to get to ours, but we would greatly appreciate your vote. Believe me, the entries are quite entertaining!

What do you think? (Would you have mobbed with us?)

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