Our driveway is one mile from the front of our subdivision, a hilly two mile walk there and back. I’m trying to get in shape and lose some weight, but my natural instinct is to resist moving outside of comfortable. This June in Georgia is no place to find comfortable. It’s early next week before we’ll have a day with a high that dips below the 90s.
This morning I plugged the headphones in my ears and hit the sidewalk while most of my crew were still dreaming in their beds. On my way home a lady slowed down beside me, rolled down her window, waved and yelled, “Woo hoo! Go girl!”
Her timing was perfect: the start of the last half mile, a hill that feels like it’s straight up and never going to end. I usually hang my head and stare at the sidewalk, afraid to look up as my muscles burn.
Today I had chills up and down my arms and legs in spite of the sweat trickling down my back as I looked up, eyes on the prize, motivated by those four little words.
It’s hard to describe how powerful that spoken encouragement was, from a total stranger no less. This mystery neighbor didn’t offer me a drink of water or a moment to rest and catch my breath: nothing physical. She gave me an “atta girl!”—a sweet gift that said, “You’re doing something hard that you’re probably not enjoying. Keep it up.”
At least that’s what I heard.
We’ve all got the power to be a cheerleader to those around us, an encourager to friend or stranger alike. Embracing that mission and following through with it is the challenge. Join me?
{Instagrammed photo on bottom from a walk with my daughter where she balked at the bottom of that hill.}
I don’t know why I haven’t come knocking on your door earlier, Dawn. I love your place here. It’s just beautiful! 😉 Your photos are beautiful, but most of all, your heart of encouragement is what shines through everything. ooxx!
Absolutely!!! Wonderful post!!! I often think of this with new moms, I don’t know what it is like over there, but here they are inundated with un-asked for advice… I often just stop and tell them they are the best mom for their babies and they are doing such a great job… you can see it make such a difference to their parenting!!!
I hear ya! It’s HOT here too – upper 90s and humid. ugh! It’s about 2 1/2 miles around our whole neighborhood and hubby and I try to walk it when we can. I have to say we haven’t done it much lately though. This heat just zaps the joy right out of a walk! 😉
I love that the lady yelled encouraging words and I love how much that helped! What a great story to share! 🙂
Bonnie, thank you so much! You encourage me. 🙂
Se7en—yes, new moms get such conflicting advice. You’re right: they just need to hear that they’re doing a great job.
Donetta, you’ve got it exactly right: the heat zaps the joy. 🙂
This had me in tears. We all need those words! Where can I give them to someone today? Thanks so much for the reminder to get out of my own little world when I’m out and about.
Just reminded me of the verse, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen (Ephesians 4:29).” Words of encouragement don’t need to be profound, just what’s needed at the moment. Your neighbor may never know how her words built you up!
Thank you for this important post!
Debbie, did you find someone to encourage?
Sara, you said, “Words of encouragement don’t need to be profound, just what’s needed at the moment” – exactly!
Once again, I was lost in my own world with my four little ones. Next time, I’m going to write it on my shopping list! 🙂
few things better for us than an “atta girl” from time to time 🙂