Five years ago today I wrote my first post on this blog, little more than a series of photos from Memorial Day at the lake house of some dear friends. My love of photography has remained the same. Thankfully the equipment—and hopefully the skills—have improved.

Five years and 1,154 posts later we were back at the lake house this weekend; these kids have grown so much.







110528_iPhone_033One thing that you’re seeing here now is camera phonography, specifically iPhone photography. I’m working on a camera phone photography ebook that I hope to finish soon.

Big dates—like a 5 year anniversary—are cause to pause and evaluate: What have I accomplished here in 5 years? Have I kept the family record I intended? Does this blog touch other lives and enrich or inspire them in any way?

If you’ve found your way here, either as a regular reader or a first-time visitor, it would tickle me pink if you left a comment.


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