March’s desktop wallpaper is available now at (in)courage. Look on the right side of the navigation bar (underneath the blog header) where it says Calendar (Mar.). Download the image (two sizes are available, a larger and a smaller), right click it and set as your wallpaper. Enjoy!

If you would like to buy an 8×10 print of this image (without text) and support a good cause, visit Especially Heather’s Etsy shop. Some of the girls at (in)courage have donated items to be sold to help purchase expensive educational software for Heather’s daughter’s iPad (enough money for the iPad was already raised). Emma recently suffered seizures that have left her unable to communicate effectively; the software would be a huge help. Read all about it here.


If you’re a homeschooler existing in a state of March burnout, I’ll have an article at The Homeschool Post this Sunday that will hopefully give you some ideas to invigorate your homeschool. I’ll link you to it then.

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