Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted?
it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.
Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.
~Matthew 5:11-14
Thursday I baked a loaf of bread and somehow skipped the two teaspoons of salt in the recipe. I cut into the hot loaf, covered a slice in butter, took a bite, and groaned.
If you’ve ever made a recipe and omitted the salt, you’ll know that a tiny amount can make the difference between delicious and inedible
Jesus called us the salt of the earth. Salt does two things: it enhances where it is added, and it preserves. We’ve all heard the saying “you may be the only Bible some people ever read.” The way you enhance conversations and relationships in this world, reflecting Him, is a testimony.
Please visit the other ladies participating in 31 Days of Ministry Online at A Woman Inspired:
- Amy Bayliss – 31 Days of Heart Matters
- Karin – 31 Days of Intentional Parenting
- Jen – 31 Days of Social Media
- Lisa Boyd – 31 Days of WordPress
- Karen Lewis – 31 Days of Praise
- A Martha Heart – 31 Days of Prayer
Links to all posts in this series, by topic, can be found here.
This was timely today. I was reminded by my pastor today that the world is watching to see how we handle our sufferings and frustrations. When I’m in the midst of those times I am thinking only of myself, but what I’m going through and how I handle it could be the biggest witness to those around me of God’s faithfulness and love.
Becky, isn’t it funny how God will send you a message, and then just keep reinforcing it?
I went over this verse last night… yesterday was such a great day – even through all the difficulties – I felt God’s peace. I opened my Bible at random this morning and ran across another verse I read last night, too. God is so cool how he reinforces the lessons you need to learn – he’s truly “in the details”… just like the salt.