Although my husband and I hadn’t been bowling in years, and some of our kids had never bowled, we’ve gone twice as a family since Christmas. This is our youngest:
Heading right down the middle…
Are you watching, Mommy?
Looking good…
Don’t you just love her enthusiasm (and the unnaturally blue lighting at the bowling alley)?
Those are good pictures considering the lighting in the bowling alley! I can’t ever get the pictures right once they dim the lights!
I love her enthusiasm.
When I ready your post title, I started singing (in my head of course) Dancing Queens by ABBA LOL!
.-= Nikowa Lee´s last blog ..365-11 Colors of contrast =-.
I love the color and love her excitement!
.-= Kristal´s last blog ..Beautiful Blogger Award =-.
yahoooo! i do love her enthusiasm!
we have dollar bowling days (inc shoes!) on tuesdays and thursdays for homeschoolers. so we LOVE to bowl! hmmm… mine still use the gutter guards though. i imagine it won’t be long before they actually care about bowling the grown up way.
.-= Marsha´s last blog ..10 on the 10th =-.