I’ve been meaning to switch to the Thesis WordPress theme, but just haven’t had the time to research all of the customization options. I’m just going to go ahead and install it, figuring it out as I go. Things may look a little wonky at first, or if they look exactly the same, it means I’ve just chickened out and switched back to my other theme until I work out the kinks. 🙂
I am by no means a thesis pro, but if I can help shoot me an email!
.-= Deanna´s last blog ..There’s always room for Meep… =-.
Hi Dawn,
I am a new blogger and just started following your blog… I love it!
I think it is so awesome that you just install it and then figure it out!! That’s an encouragement to me, because right now I still feel like I am figuring EVERYTHING out! 🙂
Have a wonderful and blessed 2010! I will be following…
can’t wait to see how it all turns out– it will be fabulous, i’m sure!
.-= Marsha´s last blog ..Interlude =-.