To be an attendee at a large conference and not be plugged into Twitter is like experiencing the event at a fraction of full value. At Photoshop World, every time I was in my room with the laptop I plugged into a #PSW TweetGrid search to keep track of what was happening throughout the conference as a whole, beyond the scope of only those whom I follow. As an event organizer, you should be living in that TweetGrid (or other such search) before, during, and after the conference.
In my zeal, I retweet frequently during conferences; there’s lots going on and it’s good to share the RT love. Thursday morning I retweeted something about a contest, the primary detail of which involved having your picture made with Joe to enter. In the world of Photoshop World there is only one Joe: McNally.
Later when I ran across him on the Expo Hall floor, I immediately remembered the tweet. I seem to have above average luck with this sort of thing and even though I had no idea what the prize would be, I wanted a chance to win!
Throwing caution to the wind, I approached Joe and explained to him that there was a contest that involved having your picture made with him. The fact that he looked skeptical should have been a major red flag: surely I wouldn’t have been the first to approach him requesting a photo, right? I grabbed an innocent bystander, who took the picture.
Minutes later, I scoured TweetDeck on my iPhone and saw that the contest was from MPix. At their booth, I discovered that I was supposed to have my picture taken with Joe at the MPix booth, not Joe McNally. The guys at MPix had a good laugh with me, and I proceeded to snag the real Joe, get a shot with him from my iPhone, and tweet it in proper contest-entering fashion.
Bright and early the next morning, I was awakened by a DM (direct message on Twitter) asking for my address and telling me I’d won. “Won what?” I asked. An autographed print of the Photoshop Guys!
In the end, I won the prize and got a picture with living legend, Joe McNally. Thanks, Joe.
Too funny!! I am glad that it paid off. 🙂
.-= Kris Cain´s last blog ..Creative Memories Storybook Creator Software =-.
Your round about way of entering is much more fun than the average Joe’s way!
I know, I know… couldn’t resist. It’s still true though.
.-= Marsha´s last blog ..Favorite Things: Vanity Edition =-.
Oh my goodness! How funny:-) Sounds like you had a fantastic time. So wish I could have been there.
.-= Amy @ Living Locurto´s last blog ..Terrorific Tuesday – Week 1 =-.
Great story! Twitter really is a powerful tool for making connections.
I work for Peachpit Press and thought you and your readers would like to know that Joe has a blog on our site where he answers user questions. You can submit one or a photograph here:
Thanks again!
And I don’t twitter… but you make a great case!
Love to you, Dawn…
All’s grace,
.-= Ann Voskamp´s last blog ..A Day in the Life of Homeschooling: 7 Rungs =-.