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The tooth fairy is richer at your house than mine!! Can’t show my kids this pic, or they’ll think they’ve been jipped! 🙂 Happy times, none the less!
Now *that’s* a generous tooth fairy!
.-= Nikowa@KHA´s last blog ..To the 9’s =-.
Must clarify: the $10 was birthday money from Grandma. The tooth fairy is NOT that generous at our house. 😉
She looks so proud 🙂
.-= Ray´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday =-.
she’s so happy! great shot! i thought that’s from toothfairy =P
happy WW!
.-= ayie´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: Painted Sky =-.
Boy, I was thinking the tooth fairy must have won the lottery!
.-= Beth F´s last blog ..A-Z Wednesday: Death at Wentwater Court by Carola Dunn =-.
Great shots! 🙂
Love the cute tooth pillow too.
We do $1 for a lost tooth, although the first tooth you lose you get $5. While I have forgotten on occasion, I have yet to have to write an IOU or lengthy apology letter. Which ahem, I have gotten both when I was a child! LOL
.-= Marsha´s last blog ..I wonder =-.
Okay, I must confess. The tooth fairy does give $5 plus a small gift at my house. The gift is always less than $5. Go to where I lived in Maryland and the kids get $20. Now THAT’S outrageous! I love the saying though in your title. I may have to make some wordart with that and scrap it.
.-= Denise´s last blog ..Amazing Love =-.
Wow don’t show my kids they will KNOW they got a raw deal. Tooth fairy is a lot cheaper in Florida.
Reminds of the time my youngest child looked under her pillow to discover that the tooth fairy had forgotten to leave her any money. All was okay soon enough because we discovered that apparently the tooth fairy had “left” the money in my wallet where it would be safe–and instead of the usual $1, the only bill she left this time was a $20.
P.S. Your site rocks!!
.-= cathy´s last blog ..I’m Pretty Sure They’re Not One Size Fits All =-.
Okay, I must confess. The tooth fairy does give $5 plus a small gift at my house. The gift is always less than $5. Go to where I lived in Maryland and the kids get $20. Now THAT'S outrageous! I love the saying though in your title. I may have to make some wordart with that and scrap it.
.-= Denise´s last blog ..<a href="http://www.flutterbutterdesigns.com/blog/?p=229" rel="nofollow">Amazing Love</a> =-….
She looks so proud 🙂
.-= Ray´s last blog ..<a href=”http://lovingjk.blogspot.com/2009/09/wordless-wednesday.html” rel=”nofollow”>Wordless Wednesday</a> =-.