As a girl I loved Charlie’s Angels. No corner was turned without my trusty finger pistol poised for danger.
Apparently the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
{Telling pesky big brother to shut the door and get out of the picture}
{Mom minimizes brother’s sneer with shallow depth of field}
{Radiating the proper level of uninterrupted coolness and spy savvy}
For me, it didn’t all end as a childish fad. It wasn’t until after I was married with children that I gave up my infatuation with being a spy. Obviously it wouldn’t have been a perfect personality fit; I doubt there are a lot of blogging spies. 😉
Were you a Charlie’s Angel? What did you dream of growing up to become?
I love it! So is this taken with your new baby???
.-= Beth @ Pages of Our Life´s last blog ..It Came! Gallery Wrapped Canvas =-.
I love these images, I think big bro makes them perfect. . .you HAVE to have a bad guy! Not so much into being a spy as a child, however my mother’s giant box of Nancy Drew detective novels gave me a similar feel!
.-= Jes´s last blog ..Puff says. =-.
Very cool 🙂
.-= Nikowa@KHA´s last blog ..Our own Noah’s Ark =-.
My children dressed as spies last year for Halloween. They LOVE the movies “Spy Kids,” and they are constantly “perfecting” their spy training throughout the house. They said that someday mommy and daddy can become full fledged spies once we’ve completed all of the training. hee hee!