As a blog designer, I never start working until the blogger has given me their tagline, which can often influence the font and the entire layout of the header. From a branding and marketing point-of-view, taglines are an important and integral aspect of a blog. Imagine how silly I felt earlier this year when I realized that my blog has no tagline.

I compensated somewhat by adding the assortment of words floating around in the header: family; photography; lightroom; homeschooling; photoshop. Although those are the focal points of my blog, they still do not constitute a tagline.

Antique Mommy recently had a post in which she asked us to leave a comment telling the title of our would-be autobiography. Off the top of my head I said “My Reality is Photoshopped.” Tina liked it.

That got me thinking about the whole tagline thing again, so now I’m asking for your help choosing one for my blog. I’ve thrown out some ideas here. Please select one of these, or “other” if you have another suggestion that you’d (pretty please) leave in the comments.

Thank you!

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