Instead of having “answers” on a math test, they should just call them “impressions,” and if you got a different “impression,” so what, can’t we all be brothers? ~ Jack Handy
I spent the weekend at a business of photography class (if you’re one of my fellow classmates – or are we too old to be called that? – please say hi): 21+ hours of instruction in how to run a photography business. My head is spinning with knowledge and possibilities. More than anything, I needed a little push and someone saying, “You can do this.”
I left wanting to be a better photographer and better at managing my new business. Then my husband took me out to see Julie and Julia (LOVED it), which made me want to buy the cookbook and become a better cook, as well as a better blogger. As Boomama pointed out, if you make a movie about food and blogging, it’s bound to be good, right?
Lots of good goals were acquired over the weekend, as well as a few extra pounds from eating out for five out of six meals.
(If you got here by way of the homepage, I know the Elvis picture is random; basically, I just couldn’t handle three in a row with the default image. That is all.)
I wish I could have gone to this. I bet it was fantastic. I will have to settle for google and my amazing local photog business buddies. LOL : )
.-= Beth @ Pages of Our Life´s last blog ..New Portrait Lens: 50mm f1.4 =-.