
Since Firgs’s NAPP membership giveaway post has over 160 comments and my “9 Days of NAPP” series, which will culminate by giving away not only a NAPP membership but 2 autographed Scott Kelby books (3 separate prizes for 3 separate winners) has a total of 34 comments at this point, I realize that I obviously need to do a better job of explaining how the contest works ’cause that NAPP membership is one hot prize!

Here’s how to enter (one entry for each):

  • Leave comments on the “9 Days of NAPP” posts (the posts that are live are listed below)
  • Tweeting about the contest (leave a separate comment saying you tweeted about it)
  • Facebook about the contest (leave another comment)
  • Subscribe to my feed and leave a comment telling me that you did (or if you already do)
  • Fan my new Facebook page (comment again, please)
  • Blog about the contest and YOU ROCK! (but you’ve got to leave a comment so I know)

Now go check out these posts and leave me some comment love for your chance to win!

9 Days of NAPP Day 1: My NAPP Story
9 Days of NAPP Day 2: NAPP on Twitter
9 Days of NAPP Day 3: Matt Kloskowski and the Lightroom Killer Tips blog
9 Days of NAPP Day 4: KelbyTraining LIVE
9 Days of NAPP Day 5: NAPP Members’ Website
9 Days of NAPP Day 6: Corey Barker and Planet Photoshop
I’m a NAPP Evangelist! (Comments on this post don’t count for the contest, but it contains the scoop about my NAPP Evangelist position)

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