coverWelcome to the second stop on Sheila Wray Gregoire’s Honey, I Don’t Have a Headache Tonight Blog Scavenger Hunt!

When Sheila asked me to participate, I immediately agreed. When she sent me the info and I realized that she actually wanted me to discuss the book and the concept behind it, I thought, “OH MY GOODNESS, WHAT IN THE WORLD HAVE I GOTTEN MYSELF INTO?!!!”

You see, even though readers of this blog know that my husband and I are quite prolific – eight children between the ages of twenty-two and three – I’m quite positive that you could search the nearly three years of archives on this blog and not find any posts relating to sex in marriage. I can also promise that this will be one of the rare posts that doesn’t include photos.

If I had to give the biggest barriers to intimacy in my marriage they would be the fact that we have very different bedtimes – he goes to bed at a responsible time for a working man, and I stay up and get design work and blogging taken care of when the kids are in bed – and that nagging fear of another pregnancy. Don’t get me wrong, children are a blessing and always welcome; however, I’m quite content with our current family size.

I also think we (and most likely men and women in general) operate on completely different planes in this area: he needs physical intimacy to feel connected, but I need to to feel emotionally connected first. A few months ago I realized what my “hot button” is: dancing. My husband is a really good dancer; he actually makes me feel kind of clumsy and weak in the knees when we dance. He’s just that smooth. A smart man would capitalize on that fact. Would I tell him? What do you think.

Here’s what you really want to know: my secret word is “Aren’t“! You’ll have to go to the other blogs on the tour to find the whole message. The next stop is Multi-Tasking Mama.

Go to the five blogs on the tour and collect all five words. Then go here: and enter the message and your email. One winner will be drawn and announced on Sheila’a blog at 10:00 p.m. and will win a free audio download of her 45 minute talk on the subject, aptly titled Honey, I Don’t Have a Headache Tonight! It’s hilarious, real, and leaves nothing out! She’ll also mail the winner a copy of her book Reality Check, a collection of 85 of her favorite syndicated columns!

I’d love it if you’d leave a comment and let me know you dropped by. Good luck!

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