Today’s theme at The Homeschool Post’s Homeschool Memoirs is 10 Timely Facts. You are supposed to “write 10 interesting, crazy, weird, fun facts about you! Include facts about you as a woman, a wife, a mommy, a homeschooler, a homekeeper, a taxi-driver, a cook, etc.”

Here goes:

  1. I type with my toes (not on a keyboard). I usually don’t realize I’m doing it, but my husband will say, “What are you typing?”
  2. I don’t drink coffee.
  3. I have to be wearing full make-up, hair, clothes, etc. before I can really start my day.
  4. I think my love language is “Quality Time” (is “Deeply Discounted Prices” a love language?).
  5. I have a B.A. in Russian. (Yeah, I use that one a lot.)
  6. I like doing laundry.
  7. I collect fonts, but I don’t have a problem with deleting “blah” ones. Who wants to use an ugly font?
  8. I am highly visual, slightly auditory, and not at all kinesthetic.
  9. The top of my desk is a mess, but the drawers are perfectly organized.
  10. I adore wearing aprons!

Don’t forget!

Nominations for the 2008 Homeschool Blog Awards end this Friday night!

Vision Forum has a big clearance sale going on to make room for new Christmas products. Please use the link in this email or in my sidebar to shop there.

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