
My six-year-old son presented me with a two-flower bouquet today. As soon as I saw those beauties, I knew that he had filched them from someone’s garden. My initial dismay turned to surprise when I discovered that they were in fact from my own yard! My husband was kind enough to plant these bulbs for me last year. Aren’t they gorgeous?

I am determined to learn how to properly use my camera, so the above shot was using the aperture priority mode (I ventured beyond auto settings – yay!), attempting to focus the flowers and blur the background. It’s a rough attempt, but that’s the only way I’m going to learn.

I had another purple flower and a bud in the yard; apparently he snagged the only pink one, so I’ll just have to wait for more. Do you know what kind of flowers these are? I’m notorious for buying bulbs and not remembering what we’ve planted.


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