I’m really hoping to replace my computer early next year. I understand that unexpected events, such as car repairs, could keep that from happening, but my fingers are crossed. Tight. I’m considering taking the plunge and switching from a PC to a Mac. I’m dating myself here, but my first computer was a Mac. The very first Mac (see photo on right). I picked it up out of the back of an Apple truck my freshman year of college. We had a hand-me-down PC after that, and purchased our last two computers: a Gateway, and then a Sony VAIO (my current computer).
I would love to hear feedback from Mac users, pros or cons, or anyone who’s made the switch. Does anyone use a Mac at work and a PC at home (or vice versa)? Any advice appreciated here. 🙂
Also, will my True Type fonts work on a Mac? I have a lot of fonts.
I’m a Hewlitt Packard user, but I tell you, I’ve heard some awesome things from people who’ve switched to a Mac. I’ve never heard a single negative thing about a Mac.
Dawn, I switched to a Mac in June from always having worked on a PC, since the mid 90s. Jules (Everyday Mommy) is an avid Mac fan and does all of her blog design, graphics, etc on them. So she would be a good one to ask regarding the fonts.
For the work that I do writing, blogging, surfing, researching, homeschooling, etc., I’ve been very satisfied with my MacBook. I purchased mine through an educational discount that Apple offers to homeschoolers. You should definitely look at that option as well. The Apple homepage has a tab that takes you to the info about educational discounts.
Fun computer shopping!
I don’t know about your fonts transferring, but I will never ever buy another PC. Our mac is 3years old and I’ve never had a SINGLE problem with it. Ever. Enough said.
I know 3 graphic designers and they’re die hard mac users. I wouldn’t think you’d have any problems switching over.
I have only been a MAC user and love it. My husband has spent his whole career on a MAC composing and arranging music. We currently have 4 in our household and love them. I believe your True Type fonts will work fine. I would imagine a google search would confirm that for you. Also, check out versiontracker.com to see if there are particular applications that you are concerned about.
Go for it!
You are so brave. Please blaze the trail for me and keep me informed on how it goes. I have also considered doing this, but it is soooo hard for me to let go.
I have a Mac and love it. Very user-friendly…and it’s got the “cool” factor. 🙂