Two of my daughters are having birthdays next week (turning 10 and 7). I would like to throw them a tea party birthday party. There are some moms who are incredibly creative with birthdays and manage clever cakes, activities, etc. Unfortunately, I am not one of those mothers. My niche is teen boy slumber parties, which only require: a PS2 or GameCube; cookie cake (preferably baked during the party from a tub of store-bought cookie dough); copious amounts of coke and chips; hot dogs and burgers or pizza.

Although I love hot tea and my girls will drink it, too, I’m thinking Russian Tea might be a safer bet with kids this age. Chloe wants us to make muffins. I’m also thinking about making a big batch of cookie-cutter cookies – gingerbread and sugar – and letting them ice and decorate them. This is the point where I run out of inspiration. Has anyone ever done this or have any great ideas or suggestions? Posted by Picasa

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