I’m blogging on a Sunday morning because I’ve got a sweet, sick baby girl in my lap. Apparently Felicity shared her carpet-cleaning-inducing bug with her little sis. We had an awesome evening at the Stone Mountain Park laser show with friends from our music program last night, but as soon as I got Lily to bed, the vomiting began. She has gotten sick 5 times, producing about as many loads of laundry. She’s just fallen asleep in my arms with a sippy cup of water tipped up to her mouth; I’m encouraged that she’s kept it down.
Here are some photos of her from last week: the first 3 are in a friend’s backyard while Sabra and her book club buddies swam. Lily’s goal was to dump the toys in the pool, which kept me busy. The bottom picture has a story to it.
Two years ago at Christmas we bought most of the kids some sort of realistic animal pet toy. These gifts were the result of guilt over our reluctance to get a dog (which we actually did at the end of January). We had kittens that meowed and purred, puppies that barked, and the bear cub in the bottom photo with Lily Rose. The bear, called a Fur Real Luv Cub does it all, as you can tell by this product description:
Luv Cubs are the lovable, huggable bear cubs that belong right in your arms! Watch their facial expressions and listen to them make adorable baby bear cub sounds!
Your Love Cub makes a variety of realistic electronic sounds, asyou play with it, it will yawn, sniff, snore, snort, coo, burp, hiccup and sigh! When you hear him sniffing around for food, place the bottle in his mouth and you will hear him slurping up his dinner!
Somehow the bear became “activated” when it was in the room with Miss Lily. At first she was fascinated by all that yawning, snorting, cooing, and sighing, and the fact that it was actually raising it’s arms as if to reach for her. Then she seemed to discover what I’ve noticed, too: the fact that this bear can be just plain creepy! I wish I had gotten a better action shot. Basically, Lily grabbed a clump of Mega Blocks and began beating the Luv Cub over the head with them. Repeatedly. With gusto. It was hysterical! I’m glad I had grabbed my camera to get the initial Lily/Luv Cub interaction shots.
Oh that’s too funny. She decided to beat her bear into submission. It does sound a little creepy, though. Hope she gets over her tummy bug and feels better soon. She’s so cute!
AHHHHHH! That totally cracks me up!! Those mega blocks should do the trick. . .those animals are creepy. Have you seen an IDog? He even growls when you try to turn him off!! Now how rude is that??!!