Lily Rose is 1 year old today, and what an interesting year it has been! Even after having 7 other kids, Lily introduced some new firsts: first baby with colic (I honestly didn’t think colic was a real thing – WRONG!), and first baby to need physical therapy (for torticollis, a new word for me). We moved when she was 6 weeks old – which, by the way, I don’t recommend! – and truly it was this precious little one who anchored me amid the choas and confusion which was our life.
Lily isn’t walking yet, but she certainly gets around; I am always shouting, “Where’s Lily?!” She seems to gravitate towards Christian and Clayton’s room. Yesterday she was trying to climb the stairs to the girls’ room, which is soon to be her room, too. I performed a Superman move and swooped in and caught her just as she fell backwards. I guess it’s time to teach the crawling-down-stairs-backwards move.
Lily is the source of constant attention; there’s always someone trying to entertain her. I found out yesterday that Clayton expected Lily to suddenly start talking to us today, since she’s a year old now. Kids have so many ideas and expectations surrounding birthdays. Our young ones have always been confused because I’m a year older than Bryan, but he’s bigger than I am. For kids, age is about size, so this just doesn’t make sense.
Lily has lots of big things on her little horizon, not the least of which are walking, and moving into the girls’ room (I’m hoping she’ll sleep later in that room than in ours). I’m looking forward to the years ahead with my little “flower child.” She is such a blessing to us all! Posted by Picasa

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