Last month I visited Utah for the first time and attended the Young Living convention. It was our 25th anniversary, so everything was BIG!!

I got to visit the Mona, UT, farm and walk among the fields of plants that will one day become our oils. I’m writing a 52-oil, oil-a-week book on essential oils and this also gave me the opportunity to photograph some plants that I wouldn’t be able to find otherwise.

Honestly, I’m not sure how these bright, sunny flowers fit in. They are called Gaillardia and as far as I know, there isn’t an oil from them. Maybe they control weeds or provide a benefit to the field? I don’t know, but I think they’re lovely and I hope you do too.

Do you keep a garden or grow flowers or vegetables? I prefer perennials: they just keep giving, year after year, and seem to be harder for me and my black thumb to kill.

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