
Friends make our joys sweeter and our trials easier to bear.

There’s nothing like friendships with like-minded sisters in Christ to comfort and support you in the difficult times and rejoice with you in good seasons.

Back-to-back girls’ nights out this week — first with my cross country moms group and next with my church gals — injected an oasis of calm, a healthy dose of laughter, and some solid adult conversation into an otherwise busy week. It’s not always easy to carve out time to just be one of the girls, stepping away from the responsibilities of wife and mother for a night (or a weekend), but it’s worth it for our sanity and peace of mind.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed, whether from big things — a troubled teen, job loss, car troubles, deadlines — or little things that pile up around you until it’s hard to see your way out.

But when my best friends get together for some girl time, it’s fascinating to realize we’re fighting the same battles, each on our own turf.

Join me today at (in)courage as we talk about the need and necessity of making time for friends!

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