I am crazy excited to be not only attending, but speaking at BlissDom ’10 next month in Nashville. Thursday is a full day of Wisdom Workshops, and Mishelle, Deanna, Angie, Jennifer and I will be leading the one on Photography (check out the workshop agenda here).

Here is our session description:

Photos can take your breath away with their simple beauty, but getting the effects you envision isn’t always so simple.  Bring your camera and your images to this small group workshop to learn how maximize whatever equipment you have and to challenge yourself to experiment with personalized mentoring from a crew of talented photographers.

Before BlissDom ’09 I held a giveaway that was open only to conference attendees and hand-delivered the prizes. I hope to do the same thing again. Watch for details!

If you want to attend, but the budget is tight after Christmas, check out this contest going on at Skimbaco Lifestyle—winner gets a FREE conference pass!

{I found another BlissDom pass giveaway here!}

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