nestlesweet As a child, I read somewhere that “food should never be used as a reward or a punishment.” My children are certainly grateful I didn’t take those words to heart; I believe in its use as a reward and sometimes an incentive. We mothers need everything we can get in our bag of tricks.

I’m pleased to be partnering with Nestle and featuring some of their yummiest sweet treats, and even treats for the dog!

Ice Cream

Ice cream is a treat. Sometimes it can be “just because I love you” or as an incentive for hard work or good behavior. I’m planning ice cream sundaes for our first day back to school, and for “thank you for being good at the library today” kind of rewards.

My husband is building a playset in our backyard, which unfortunately is sloped. Leveling a large enough area has been a time-consuming process. The kids help, but shoveling dirt gets old after awhile, especially when your friends want you to ride your bike or play baseball.

Sometimes the neighbor kids help, too. The work is more fun together, plus my kids finish faster. One night I had an idea: offer everyone ice cream if they helped the following night. My husband got home and said, “I’m really tired, but all of the kids are begging me to work in the yard.”

Did you get that? Our kids and one of the neighbors were begging for yard work. Of course I raced to the store and got ice cream to fulfill my part of the bargain.

Haagen-Dazs ice cream is a personal favorite of mine. My 12-year-old daughter unexpectedly brought me a dish of strawberry Haagen-Dazs topped with whipped cream last night while I was working on the computer (even moms need rewarded for hard work).

Before bed, I opened a carton of dulce de leche and had one spoonful (we’re not going to discuss the amount of ice cream I eat). Y’all, it was earthly paradise. In a move learned from my kids, I tucked that carton into a hidden corner of the freezer.

Nestle offers a wide assortment of cold, sweet treats: Edy’s Dibs bite-sized frozen snacks; Edy’s Slow Churned, available in Light, No Sugar, Yogurt Added, and Cups; Edy’s Fruit Bars, loaded with real fruit. The Skinny Cow line offers an assortment of bars, sandwiches, and cones that are approved Best Life™ treats. You can follow @TheSkinnyCow on Twitter.

I love the way Edy’s has embraced the feel-good nature of ice cream. Check out their new flavor: Red, White, and No More Blues. If you know anyone having a tonsillectomy, tell them about the free Tonsillectomy Care Package!

Dessert Ideas with Coffee Mate

Although not a coffee drinker, I’ve used Coffee Mate to make homemade hot cocoa. We gave jars of it for Christmas gifts one year. I wasn’t aware, however, of the wealth of beverage and dessert recipes involving this product, ranging from Cappuccino Cheesecake to Hot Spiced Brew.

Don’t Forget Fido!

 Back to school affects everyone: even the dog. When the kids take off for school or homeschool activities, as in our case, the dog gets left behind. Nestle makes quality dog foods, like Purina ONE. I just switched our dog to the Vibrant Maturity 7+ Senior Formula. Beggin’ Strips are a great way to treat Fido when he’s left at home.

Promotions, product samples, special offers, and more from Nestle

How do you use sweet rewards? Leave it in the comments section to be entered to win a $500 Walmart gift card compliments of My Home Sweet Home and Nestle!

I would really appreciate your help spreading the word. Tweet or post the following to Facebook — Share sweet rewards ideas for a chance to win a $500 Walmart gift card from Nestle & @DawnMHSH! — for another entry. Just leave it in a separate comment.

Feel free to subscribe to my feed via reader or email. Watch for a separate contest later this month where I’ll be giving away another $500 Walmart gift card!

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Back to School with Nestle: Lunches

Back to School with Nestle: Handling Supper on Hectic Days

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