My husband and I did the whole jock/cheerleader scene in school; he was a quarterback, and I was a cheerleader, albeit for rival schools. Homeschool high school football is taking off with a vengeance, but we live too far from the closest team’s home field for it to be a viable option for Hayden, considering all of the practices and the number of people involved when we go anywhere. This summer, however, he was invited to join the marching band that plays at the games. It seems they had one more bass drum than drummer, so Hayden now plays a gorgeous red metallic Pearl drum for the North Georgia Falcons Homeschool football team.
Friday night’s homecoming game was their first night to march. We all went, and the whole family had a blast. One thing I love about homeschooling is that it’s about whole families, without the age-segregated mentality that’s so easy to pick up in the public schools. I’m not trying to slam public schoolers, it’s just easy to develop that mindset when so much of your life is age-segregated. I am a product of the public schools and it took me years to get over the fact that I am a year older than my husband. Anyhoo, (coming in from left field)…
The halftime program was a blast! The band did a Blues Brothers take-off complete with dark sunglasses. I think it was more enjoyable for me since I have no band experience, and therefore there wasn’t any part of my brain critiquing the playing or performance. I’m fascinated by things Christian does on the clarinet and he’s only been playing for three weeks. I would have analyzed the heck out of a cheerleading squad. I was so proud of Hayden out there with his big impressive drum (I always think of the Beatles – did Ringo Starr play a set of Pearl drums?), and I didn’t realize how much I had missed Friday night football games.