our simple lives can be a powerful influence at (in)courage Hello, friend!

Although our lives may seem simple and ordinary — and scripture tells us to seek to lead a quiet life (1 Thessalonians 4:11 CSB) — our experiences and what we learn from them give us influence and a potentially powerful testimony that we can use to help others.

As Christians, we believe God has a purpose for our lives. We prayerfully seek His will and guidance as we wrestle with the options, hoping to discover our potentially elusive calling.

But what if our calling is hidden in plain sight? What if using the knowledge we’ve gained, both good and bad, can be a blessing our brothers and sisters? Does life experience qualify you to speak into someone else’s life about miscarriage, job loss, entrepreneurship, abortion, remaining single, the death of a child or parent, motherhood at an older age, infidelity, homeschooling, single parenting, or moving to a new town?

Please visit me today at (in)courage for the rest of the post as we talk about the powerful influence of our simple lives!

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