The best camera in Chase Jarvis’s The Best Camera is the One That’s With You is your camera phone, which you probably carry much more often than your point-and-shoot or DSLR. It’s a compact little book that shows what you can do creatively with that mini computer in your pocket.
This book brims with beautiful and creative iPhone photos, some of which you’ll have trouble believing were shot with a phone. Published in 2009, this is not one of the newer iPhones and no edits were done in Photoshop. All were done on the phone itself.
Quotes I like include:
“Each photograph is a tiny invention.”
“The gear you can’t afford is not the barrier keeping you from success. Gear has very little to do with photography.”
“People usually ignore the camera that’s built into your phone because they consider it useless. That comes in handy.”
“There are at least ten great pictures waiting to be taken within ten meters of where you are standing right now.”
Have you read The Best Camera Is The One That’s With You: iPhone Photography? (<—Amazon link)
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All 31 Days of Killer Quotes posts can be found in this post.
I have my SmartPhone with me all the time and rarely take photos. What’s wrong with me? Talk about needing to slow down and notice the beauty around me.