September 12 is the National Day of Encouragement, a day dedicated to the worthy goal of encouraging others. Help me celebrate today as I partner with (in)courage and Mercy House Kenya—a maternity home providing shelter, healthcare, and education for teen girls from the slums of Kenya—for Phase One of a five phase effort to get vital projects funded for these mamas and babies before Christmas.
The goal of Phase One is the purchase of a second van for Mercy House, which currently houses 12 teen moms, 12 babies, 2 housemothers, a social worker, accountant/assistant and director. Because their one van only seats 15, it takes multiple trips to go to church, the doctor, and everywhere in between each week.
I drive a a 15-passenger van to transport the 8 family members currently living in our house. I can not imagine how difficult it would be if our whole family couldn’t fit in one vehicle.
An extra van will save time, fuel, and keep those mamas and babies safer. You moms know the unpredictability of pregnancy and labor and understand the importance of having a vehicle readily available!
Ready to help?
Can you spare what you’d spend on Starbucks or your favorite indulgence this week? Or more? Every donation helps!
Click over to the Phase One: Vehicle page at Pure Charity to make a donation. Learn about all five phases of the project here.
Make a difference!