My husband’s got my back. Literally. Last Sunday afternoon he accompanied me to Scott Kelby’s Worldwide Photo Walk in Dahlonega, GA, shooting with nothing but a camera phone and toting my camera bag. Are photo walks his thing? Nope. This was his first.
We just like to be together and look for excuses for a date night.
Everyday life around the house involves cleaning, cooking, disciplining children, auto and home repairs, & etc., & etc., & etc. Connecting as parents isn’t the same thing as connecting as a couple, and we need that in our marriage. You do, too.
We “grow our own babysitters,” but if you have only younger children maybe you can hire a teen from church or your neighborhood to watch them. Exchanging babysitting with other parents of young children is another option.
Date nights are important, even if they take place at home.
Sometimes our kids stage date nights: they cook for us and arrange a separate table with candles, wine, etc. in the kitchen while they eat in the dining room. It’s fun and I enjoy seeing them serving others, even if it’s us. Sometimes the older ones just tell us to go out that night. Even they know we need it.
Tuesday night we saw Courageous, a movie that not only provided a night out but also a boost in the parenting-with-intention department. I don’t want to share any spoilers, but you want your husband to see this movie. If every father in American saw it the effect could be radical.
Do you still date your husband?
All 31 Days of Real Life posts can be found here. Other 31 Dayers can be found here.
Yes, we still have dates. We try to do something once a week with one another. Whether it is watching a movie or favorite tv show, a ride in the mountains or a dinner out, we do it. I love my husband and love spending any amount of time I can with him. 🙂
Oh, Dawn– this: “Connecting as parents isn’t the same thing as connecting as a couple…”
Yes, yes, yes — *thank you*
Love to you, friend….
All’s grace,