Recently I put together a list at (in)courage of some of my all-time favorite books. These, however, are the reads and CDs I’ll forever connect with Summer 2011.

Recently finished reads or currently in my book bag(s) or on my iPad:

saving leonardo

Saving Leonardo by Nancy Pearcey—Because I like to think.

organized simplicity

Organized Simplicity by Tsh Oxenreider—Because I’m organizationally challenged.

do the work

Do the Work by Steven Pressfield—Because I’m easily distracted.

the war of art

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield—Because I want to create.

poke the box

Poke the Box by Seth Godin—Because I need inspiration and I want to ship what I produce.

the best camera

The Best Camera is the One That’s with You by Chase Jarvis (short and easy reread or inspiring iPhone photography)—Because I’m addicted to camera phonography.

On heavy rotation:

so beautiful or so what

Paul Simon: So Beautiful or So What—Absolutely Brilliant. Some songs grew on me instantly; some took time. There’s not a song that I skip. Incredible songwriting.

move like this

The Cars: Move Like This—Because I never really left the 80s.

the essential joshua bell

Joshua Bell: The Essential Joshua Bell—Because I need to slow down and breathe deep. This album isn’t new, but it’s new to me. Songs like “Nocturne” and “O mio babbino caro from Gianni Schicchi” (please don’t ask me to say it) make me go “ahhhhhhhhhh.”

The request:

The HelpHave you heard the buzz about the soon-to-be-released movie based on the book The Help? I’m attending a prescreening and have a chance to interview cast members as well as author and Atlanta resident, Kathryn Stockett.

My shiny new copy arrived last week, but I haven’t read it, yet. Have you? Do you have any questions for the cast and author? If so, please post them in the comments!

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