Camera Phone Collage Week #7

Fresh pineapple with breakfast | Hydrangea | Actual unedited photo. Really. Don’t you believe me?
Work and play at the library | Sweet tea, with style | Gummy gifts: my husband rocks
C.S. Lewis | Cutest. Crackers. Ever. | Cheap date night

On Wednesday night, one of my best friends and I took a canvas painting class at Just For Giggles. If you are in the Atlanta area or have access to something like this in your own area, I highly recommend it. The class is 2 1/2 hours long and you are provided with canvas, paint, brushes, and instruction for creating the canvas that you’ve registered to paint.

I purchased a Groupon, but the class usually costs $35. Ordinarily I wouldn’t have chosen a design with hot pink, but my Groupon was about to expire and this date worked. My friend and I had such a good time; I’m sure we’ll do it again.

My canvas gets a collage of its own. 🙂

Just for Giggles Canvas Class

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{If there’s an interest in sharing camera phone collages, I’ll put up a linky again. Just let me know.}

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