Use hospitality one to another without grudging.
As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another,
as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
~1 Peter 4:9-10
Hospitality is an area where I struggle. An “everything has to be perfect” attitude is my biggest downfall. Looking around my house recently, I thought that realistically we are among the numbers who were given loans for more house than they could afford, but we’ve been holding on tight for five and a half years.
Maybe I need to loosen my grip and open my home, enjoying it as a place to welcome and fellowship with others.
1 Peter 4:9-10 says that exercising hospitality makes us a good stewards of God’s grace, and that’s what I want to be.
What about you? Do you have goals for your home? Nester is linking up posts today where we can share our home goals.
Useful links:
- Reluctant Entertainer – Sandy blogs about everyday entertaining for reluctant entertainers like me
- Reluctant Entertainer, The: Every Woman’s Guide to Simple and Gracious Hospitality Sandy’s book, which needs to find its way out of my Amazon shopping cart and onto my nightstand
Please visit the other ladies participating in 31 Days of Ministry Online at A Woman Inspired:
- Amy Bayliss – 31 Days of Heart Matters
- Karin – 31 Days of Intentional Parenting
- Jen – 31 Days of Social Media
- Lisa Boyd – 31 Days of WordPress
- Karen Lewis – 31 Days of Praise
- A Martha Heart – 31 Days of Prayer
Links to all posts in this series, by topic, can be found here.
{Disclosure: book link is an affiliate link.}
Thank you for today’s encouraging word.
I have felt for quite a while that I struggle between being hospitable and keeping my door shut.
Hospitality is something I had already felt led to work on this new year. 🙂
Becky, I totally understand the conflict, and you worded it well. Two of my kids have asked today about having friends over this weekend. I had to cut off my instinctive “no” and instead tell them that they had to clean the bathrooms. 🙂
Recently, I’ve REALLY tried letting go of my “everything must be perfect” attitude, and surprisingly (at least to me!) is how much more I enjoy my guests.
I am totally trying to improve my hospitality thing. We use to have people over all the time and somehow it disappeared…trying to “revive” that back~
sandy toe
I love your wisdom. I entertain alot. Love to open my house (and yes, love for everything to be perfect too). I find that if you are at odds with the place your house, or home loan, has in your heart; opening up the home and sharing it with others, and making good memories will help your heart also open up to accept your home… Not sure if that made sense, but hopefully you understand. : )