

You may have noticed that I’ve been particularly partial to duotones since Photoshop World in March. Scott Kelby showed an awesomely easy way to create them in his Lightroom Killer Tips class. Check out Easy Duotone Images in Lightroom at Blissfully Domestic to see how it’s done.


KelbyTraining LIVE

Speaking of Scott, I attended his Photoshop for Digital Photographers seminar tour in Atlanta today. It rocked! I can’t recommend these one-day workshops highly enough: great tutorials; booklets with notes on what you saw; connecting with people who share your interests. That’s a whole lot of awesome packed into one day.

I got to meet Robyn and Jaddie, and see Jennifer again!

Click here to see if any KelbyTraining LIVE seminars are coming to your neck of the woods. I attend all of them in Atlanta, and I even drove to Nashville for my first one.


Speaking of baseball (were we speaking of baseball?), I just had to share that my 15-year-old son hit his first out-of-the-park home run last night. That was a pretty exciting moment for our family, and the perfect ending for the last game of the season.

Pardon my sudden disregard for the duotone, but surely you wanted to see my budding Babe Ruth, right?


I’m looking forward to the second installment in my rewatch (is that a word?) of the Bourne trilogy tonight and sleeping in on Saturday morning, which is the big perk of finishing baseball season.

Have you signed up for my Straight No Chaser “With a Twist” CD giveaway?

I realize that I didn’t put a cut-off  for my SNC CD giveaway, so I’m leaving it open until Sunday. This is an incredibly talented group of guys and a great CD.

My 4th Bloggiversary!

Monday, May 31, is the four year anniversary of the start of this blog. I have a special guest blogger interview coming next week, only I was a loser and forgot to email him the questions. Oops. I’ll post it when it’s ready. 🙂

Got any great plans for the weekend?

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