[This contest is closed. Winner announced here.]
After hearing the buzz about Chase Jarvis’s new book, The Best Camera is the One That’s With You, I was excited to check it out in person at Photoshop World; it immediately went on my wish list. This is more than just a book full of images created using an iPhone; there is also an iPhone app—Best Camera—and an online photo community dedicated to sharing images from around the world created using the Best Camera application. Get the full scoop here.
The fine folks at Peachpit Press are providing a copy of this new book for giveaway to one lucky reader!
How to Enter
Does your phone have a camera, and if so, do you use it? Do you considered it a legitimate piece of photographic equipment or just a way to snap a picture when your camera isn’t available? Do you post camera phone pics to Flickr, Twitter, Facebook or your blog? Leave it in the comments!
I would love to see a link to your favorite camera phone image. Click this link to view mine.
Could you help me spread the word about this giveaway? Get extra entries for sharing via Twitter, Facebook, or your blog. Just leave an extra comment for each to let me know. Contest ends Sunday, October 25.
Be sure to follow @ScottPeachpit on Twitter.
I have an iPhone and I do use the camera on it…mostly for when my camera is not available or when I want to post something right then to to twitter or facebook. My husband also uses his iPhone to take pictures of the kids when he takes them to activities. So at least I get pictures of them!
I don’t necessarily have a favorite yet…but this is a funny one from when I forgot my camera for Messy Game night at church:
.-= Candi´s last blog ..365-285: Change of Command Series =-.
sent out a tweet on your giveaway! http://twitter.com/javablue/status/4811209770
I added to Facebook…http://www.facebook.com/candlinz
.-= Candi´s last blog ..365-285: Change of Command Series =-.
I also tweeted it: http://twitter.com/canDlinZ
.-= Candi´s last blog ..365-285: Change of Command Series =-.
I generally use my non-phone cameras to take pictures, but I do like the ability to tweet what I see and post to facebook. I have bought the Best Camera app for my iPhone and love it. I’m toying with the idea of doing an iPhone only Project 365 for 2010.
Here’s one picture I took this last week.
.-= Janeen´s last blog ..Day 283 =-.
I have not tapped into my iphone photo capabilities yet. This sounds interesting!
.-= Lori´s last blog ..I ? Faces: Excited =-.
Here is my RT =) http://twitter.com/Lori520/status/4813675004
.-= Lori´s last blog ..I ? Faces: Excited =-.
I love Best Camera App. It has made me use and appreciate my iPhone camera. I try to post to Twitter with a pic everyday.
.-= Sharon ´s last blog ..announcing slf photography =-.
i don’t have an iphone yet, but maybe by christmas!
.-= melissa stover´s last blog ..V is for visitor =-.
I tweeted this: http://twitter.com/pork_chop/status/4816091421
And here is my latest favorite phone photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pork-chop/3978786038/
I’m hoping my next phone will be an iPhone – it takes such nice photos!
I was so disappointed when the iPod Touch did not come out with a camera in September. I was going to buy one to have a camera with me at all times. I’ve been playing with the idea of getting a point and shoot, but I’m going to hold out until January to give Apple one more chance to put a phone in the Touch. I just bought a purse that’s big enough to hold my DSLR, but I seriously don’t want to have it with me ALL the time. I do have a camera in my phone, but when the phone costs $25.00 you can guess what the camera is like. “You say that’s a face? I don’t see it. Looks more like an amoeba to me.”
I don’t have a camera on my cell phone. But it would be cool to have a camera with me at all times. Never know when your kids will do something cute or you come across something unique or beautiful.
I have the old blackberry and use it to post pics on Facebook. But it doesn’t take as good a picture as my sister’s iPhone.
What a precious and priceless pic of the generations that is!
Oh and yes, I do consider it a legitimate camera. Just not a very good one.
.-= Marsha´s last blog ..Chris Klicka went home today =-.
I retweeted. 🙂
Oh and my fav iPhone pic was taken by said baby sister. You can see it here: http://www.othersuchhappenings.com/2008/09/hello-my-friends.html
.-= Marsha´s last blog ..Chris Klicka went home today =-.
Yes! My iphone has captured some really great images that my pro cam just wasn’t out for. I posted an image on my blog recently that was taken with my phone.
And even more – my son’s ipod takes video now. How cool is that? Between he and I, we’ve got almost any moment worth remembering taken care of.
I’m off to check out the book. Sounds like really great advice. I just downloaded the Photoshop app a couple days ago and I wonder how that will change the face of Twitpic.
I need this book. 🙂 I have an iPhone, but I don’t get nice pictures with it. They are always blurry or worse. Just plain old bad.
I do normally carry my compact digital camera in my purse, so I almost alawys have it.
I need to check out the Best Camera app and the Photoshop app. I’m off to do that now.
.-= Tara @ Feels like home´s last blog ..Alpaca Open House =-.
I don’t love my iPhone’s camera, but I have gotten a few nice pictures.
In the hospital – http://www.feelslikehomeblog.com/2009/10/graces-hospital-gown/
At my Grandma’s house – http://www.feelslikehomeblog.com/2009/07/look-a-how-gog/
My daughter – http://www.feelslikehomeblog.com/2009/07/i-missed-her-so-much/
.-= Tara @ Feels like home´s last blog ..Alpaca Open House =-.
I would love to have this book. I really like the app that this book accomodates.
Mike Reeves
I have a phone in my camera but I rarely use it. The quality isn’t the greatest and it’s very sensitive=blurry pictures.
.-= Cheryl@SomewhatCrunchy´s last blog ..How To Eat An Oreo Like A Two Year Old =-.
I have a iPhone which I use occasionally to take and post photos in Twitter. For all my other photos I post on Flickr and Facebook are taken either with my SLR or point & shoot.
I have been taking more photos on my iPhone and I sometimes use it even if my SLR is near by.
Everyone comments how sharp my pics look from my iPhone 3Gs. Here’s Stratosphere in Vegas. http://bestc.am/grSh
The camera on my phone is aweful, but it has been nice to have on occation.
I also retweeted 🙂
I have an iPhone but don’t really use the camera because I can’t figure out how to get a decent result.