It’s time for week four of the iHeartFaces photo contest! This week’s theme is “The Eyes Have It” and the judge is Jodi Friedman from MCP Actions.

As the youngest of eight, my three-year-old daughter is quite the apple of my eye; I love this shot of her beautiful baby blues. I didn’t edit out the Cheetos crumbs, scabs, dirt, and water because they’re an integral part of the picture for me.

Look closely and you’ll see my reflection in her eyes.

Interestingly enough, water has been a part of all four of my iHeartsFaces submissions! In three of them my kids and I were standing in a creek, and my daughter was in the bathtub in the other one.


Eyes (iHeartFaces)

Are you a photographer with white balance problems? Check out the White Balance Lens Cap!

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