The Heart of the Matter online’s January eMagazine is live and accessible in three ways: flipbook, PDF (go to #2 to download), and blog format!
Here are links to my two articles:
Fun with Photography Featuring Lightroom 2
Homeschool Burnout–Rising from the Ashes (co-written by Sprittibee and me)
This is a strange shot for day 2 of Project 365. I’ll probably have lots of around-the-house pictures this year, so I snapped this at a doctor’s office waiting room today. My indoor flash-free shots usually come out very yellow, so I was playing with the adjusting the white balance in Degrees Kelvin (thanks to the helpful advice from A.J. Wood) – no more yellow!
Last, but not least, my friend Amy awarded me this “Your Blog is Fabulous” award! Isn’t it cute? Thanks, Amy!