Today is my 2-year bloggiversary!!!
I spent a beautiful afternoon at Cades Cove in the Smoky Mountain National Park, relaxing and taking photos of the family, landscape, and assorted insects and creepy crawlies along the way.
Toward the end of the loop, however, we came across this:
and not 30 minutes later there was this:
Maybe I took the “get the shot” mentality a little too far when pursuing the bear, but I certainly wasn’t the only one. The camera-toting crowd seemed to feel safety in numbers, or maybe we bought into some group mentality that those wild bears wouldn’t think of us as afternoon snacks. Whatever the case, I got the shots (although they’re really not very good, which means I didn’t go too crazy chasing the bears, right?).
Please leave a comment and say hello on my bloggiversary, and check out this beautiful shot from today on my photoblog!!!
HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY, Dawn! Great shots. I really can’t believe you were hunting bear. LOL!!
Sounds like you had a wonderful time. 😀
Dianne-Bunny Trailss last blog post..PhotoHunt 112: Self
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! That is so great! I can’t believe we were blogging before you were. :O
haha! And you are way more popular too. 😉
I am glad y’all had such a great time on vacation. Those are some really neat photos!
Miss Amandas last blog post..Aww Man!
WOW! LOVE the photos!!! I mean, really! I am a huge photo buff (I know I am in good company!), and these are pretty awesome!
HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY!!! Glad to know you, my friend!
Jacques last blog post..Summertime: Modesty and Swimsuits
Love the skink! We have skinkies here in TX, too. The fly was a neat catch, also. The bear, however, is good to AVOID. 😉 Neat that you got him on film. Glad you didn’t get eaten for lunch.
Thrilled that you are having fun! Welcome home, friend!
sprittibees last blog post..The Longest Field Trip…. continued….
For you:
sprittibees last blog post..The Longest Field Trip…. continued….
Can’t wait to meet you at She Speaks. And oh my stars is that a real bear that you took a real photo of?
Happy Bogiversary!
Congrats on a wonderful milestone friend! 🙂 I’ve really enjoyed watching your photography skills improve. Keep sharing!
Are you insane??????? Get A.W.A.Y from the bears, my sweet friend whom I would miss DEARLY if she were EATEN alive in Tennessee!!! Happy Blogiversary…I need to see when mine is…and I need to give you “props” whenever I get there again! I want to say its July…2 years ago!
Love you girl!
I have some bear pictures I need to dig out, but they were taken out of the dining room window of the house I lived in at the time!!!
Jamies last blog post..Silly Saturday
Hi Dawn! I’ve been away for awhile (moving and all that), but congrats on your blogiversary (did I spell that right?)!! I love those pics you took, too. The bear is great!
Beths last blog post..
K— want more blogs, Dawn! I know you’ve been on vacation and then at singing school, but so what?? I’m at home looking at our blog wanting an update and missing you! Can’t wait for Sunday…don’t forget the picnic!
Happy Bloggiversary! I love all the pictures and now I’m off to the Photoblog…
I can’t wait to see you Sunday! It feels like it has been a MONTH!