It’s almost time again for the Ultimate Blog Party! Last year’s blog party was very significant for me. I decided to spruce up the place and that’s when I found my diary girl header image. My first non-friend client found me through the blog party; she was from a big family and liked the idea of giving her business to a homeschooling mom of 8. I still remember my shock that someone I didn’t know trusted me to design for her. 😉
The UBP is a week-long bloggy visitation sensation! There will be a LONG Mr. Linky at 5 Minutes for Mom, directing you to all the participating sites. Many prizes are donated through 5MFM, and there will be a giveaway drawing for those. Many people host contests on their blogs, too. Click on the graphic in this post or the sidebar for more details. See you there!
Hey Dawn!
It’s been a long time since I’ve chatted with you. I’ve got a new name now. Let’s see how can I let you know who I am without saying it? Hmm…you designed two sites for me. One was about a “mom” and the other a peaceful spot. Hopefully that’s enough info. 🙂 Oh I was so sad when I had to close down those sites. Long story best for email not posting.
Thanks for letting me know about bloggy party. It sounds like a lot of fun! I added the graphic to my site and can’t wait for the party to start. 🙂
I love what you’ve done with your site here…the flowers are so cute! I think I might have to hire you again to give my new blog some pizzazz! It’s so boring right now. LOL
Take care!