My oldest daughter turned 10 years old on Monday and entered the much-anticipated double-digit status. I am very proud of her and the little lady she is becoming (when she wants to be!).
Last night she decided to actually try her brocolli instead of just saying she didn’t like it. She declared it to have a bad taste at first and a bad aftertaste, but to be “just right in the middle.” It was an amazing site to behold my pickiest eater putting away her veggies.
She showed another display of maturity when she asked me to prepare warm salt water for her to gargle for a sore throat. My mother was a firm believer in this and I have many unpleasant childhood memories of gagging while gargling the nasty (but effective) stuff. We came down with sore throats at the same time last night. While she was asking for warm salt water, I was mixing up some hot Russian tea. I was quite surprised when I realized she had taken the more hard-core approach!
She is a wonderful big sister and a helper to me. I’m proud of her for the skills she is learning, such as knitting, quilting, cooking, and violin. We love you, Princess! Posted by Picasa

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